Saturday, March 12, 2022

Josie is Working on Her Art

I have a new tutu but I take it off to paint.

I am getting good at staying in the lines.

Meema drew the dragon and I painted it. It is a rainbow dragon. The cactus picture is from a painting book and I made it a rainbow cactus.

I like lots of colors. Pink was my favorite color but now it's purple. Or rainbow. Meema says I am a colorist and so is she.



Anvilcloud said...

Colorist is a good word.

Barbara Rogers said...

Lovely colors, both the new tutu and the rainbow paintings!

Sandra Parshall said...

I hope her marvelous imagination and desire to add color to the world will never leave her. The pictures she has sent to me make me smile, and as I told her, making another person smile is one of the best things you can do.