Words and pictures from the author of And the Crows Took Their Eyes as well as the Elizabeth Goodweather Appalachian Mysteries . . .
Monday, November 30, 2009
The End of November
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I almost didn't make it -- though it doesn't actually include Jell-O, there's still something a little odd about calling it a salad -- it seems so dated.
But I did make it -- and then forgot to bring it out till dessert time. (Freudian slip? Maybe.)
The thing is, where this "salad" comes into its own is at supper Thanksgiving night -- when you're really still full of rich food but you feel like a little something or other. And this combination of cool cranberry and pineapple, suspended in gelatin and crunchy with chopped celery and pecans, really hits the spot. Almost like health food after the dissipation of the big meal.
My grandmother served it with homemade mayonnaise -- possibly this is a Southern thing. I know my daughter-in-law from New York state was kind of appalled the first time she saw this. And I mostly omit it these days. But it's really tasty -- as long as the mayo is good and lemony.
I grew up eating a number of weird combinations that were called salads -- shredded carrots and raisins with mayo, canned pineapple with cottage cheese ... and mayo, Jell-O squares with canned fruit cocktail hidden in their depths... and mayo, a frozen square composed of fruit cocktail, whipped cream and mayo. All of these things included a leaf of iceberg lettuce as a base -- which I guess justified their being called salad.
Those were the days for wild invention -- the notorious Candlestick Salad was touted as fun for kids to make -- the banana as candle with a cherry or strawberry as flame and whipped cream standing in for melted wax. It was also suggested as a nice item for ladies' luncheons. But best not to serve it to gentlemen, one cookbook warned, as the fellas might make indelicate comments.
I wonder why?

Ba's Cranberry Holiday Salad
1/2 c. cold water
1 c. boiling water
1 Tbs. sugar
1 tsp. salt
1/4 c. lemon juice
1 c. crushed canned pineapple, drained
1 1/2 c. whole berry cranberry sauce
1c. finely chopped celery
1/2 c. chopped pecans
Soak gelatin in cold water 10 minutes to soften. Pour in boiling water to dissolve. Add sugar, salt, lemon juice, and pineapple. Allow to cool but not congeal. Stir in cranberry sauce, celery, and pecans. Pour into mold thatt has been rinsed with cold water and not dried. Chill till firm. Serves 8.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Yellow Rose
But from its first bud in mid-May to its last bloom on Thanksgiving day, the yellow rose has performed valiantly and I've been unable to resist snapping its picture over and over again.
On Thursday the full-blown rose greeted our Thanksgiving guests as they arrived. Then, as evening fell, a high wind got up and stripped all but two forlorn petals from that last lingering bloom . . .
... so that our guests had a petal-strewn path for their departure. How elegant!
I still prefer pink roses -- but this particular yellow rose has won my heart.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Three Thanksgivings

This year's gathering was small -- Ethan and Aileen are in their new home in Atlanta and still settling in, Claui and her parents have gone to Arkansas to be with her sister, and my brother, who just visited, declined to stretch his stay into Thanksgiving. So we were seven -- and we all fit into the dining room.
Despite another oven malfunction (the turkey had to finish cooking on the grill and the sweet potatoes that were meant to be roasted ended up sauteed,) it was an excellent feast. We honored tradition -- but gave it some new twists.
Louise made some wonderfully exotic befores to accompany my usual turkey liver pate, as well as a gingery cranberry sauce. Naomi and Matt brought an amazing assortment of cheeses and Justin made the sweet potatoes. I'll share the menu below. (For my friends in the UK -- our crackers don't come with party hats -- they are what I think you would call savory biscuits,)
Bloody Marys
Turkey liver pate
Marinated cauliflower
Cucumber and grape salsa with mint and fennel
Miso and walnut pesto
Rice crackers
Smoked almonds
Turkey basted with butter, red currant jelly, orange juice, and mustard
Dressing with celery, apples, and onions
Cranberry sauce
Cranberry sauce with ginger
Green beans with pecans
Sweet potatoes sauteed in garlic oil garnished with fried sage leaves
Green salad
Cranberry gelatin salad with celery, pineapple, and pecans
Frozen pumpkin mousse in a pecan crust
Assorted cheeses
Port, Coffee, Glen Rothes single malt Scotch
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Giving Thanks
Today I'm giving thanks for friends and family and all the wonderful things that fill my life in this very special corner of the world.
And I'm also thankful for all of you -- my blog friends who expand my horizons and remind me how small the world is becoming.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! I wish you could join us at our table -- wouldn't that be an amazing gathering!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Could This Be the Grave?
I returned to the Walnut cemetery yesterday, having been told by Nancy where to look for the Cantrell child's grave.
If I understood her correctly, it should be in this section, far at the back.
I didn't find any stones that said 'Cantrell,' but this little marker -- which may have been broken off -- with its uneven chiseled cross seems to be a likely candidate.
There's a field stone at the foot of the grave -- about three feet lie between the two markers. Just right for a small child.
To the right of this grave is another, somewhat longer --maybe five feet. It's marked with two rocks -- no carving.
There was no sign at all of a playhouse -- no rotting boards or anything at all. This may or may not be the Cantrell child's resting place.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Scones are a quick (especially if you have a food processor) and easy treat. When my niece was visiting last weekend, she asked for my recipe so I decided to fix some for dessert.
As luck would have it, the oven in the kitchen was not working and it was too warm to fire up the wood stove. So I decided to cook them on the gas grill.
I put the wedges into a heavy iron skillet and heated the grill to 400.
They did pretty well -- a little overdone on the bottom but still delicious. The recipe is below.
Your family and friends will thank you if you make these.
(From The Gourmet Cookbook)
(I changed various ingredients to match what I had on hand)
1 2/3 c. all-purpose flour (I used bread flour)
6 Tbs. sugar (plus more for sprinkling)
1 Tbs. baking powder
¾ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
1 1/3 c. old fashioned rolled oats (I used quick cooking)
11/2 sticks (12 Tbs.) cold unsalted butter, cut into tablespoons (plus a little more for the top) (I used salted butter & reduced the salt above)
Freshly grated zest of two large navel oranges (omitted due to a total lack of oranges – but it sure sounds good)
2/3 cup butter milk (I used half and half, replacing about a tablespoon of it with cider vinegar to sour it.)
½ c. finely chopped dried apricots (I used dried cranberries -- some pecans would have been a nice addition.)
Preheat oven to 425. Put rack in middle. Butter a large baking sheet.
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, soda, and salt in food processor. (Or in a bowl if you don’t have a processor). Add oats and pulse to mix. Or just mix). Add butter and pulse (or cut in with pastry cutter or two knives) till mixture resembles coarse meal with some pea sized lumps. Transfer to large bowl and stir in dried fruit.
In small bowl, combine buttermilk and zest, then stir in to flour mixture with a fork, stirring just till a sticky dough forms.
Turn out to lightly floured surface; and knead six times. Pat into a 1 inch thick round, dusting surface with more flour if needed.
Cut into eight wedges and transfer to buttered baking sheet. Melt a little more butter and brush the tops of the scones with it, then sprinkle with sugar. Bake till golden-brown, 15-18 minutes.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Apocalyptic Sunrise
Friday, November 20, 2009
Betwixt and Between
The greens from the garden are bug free at last! Dill and parsley, Georgia collards, and kale -- Black Tuscan and Red Russian -- sweet and delicious, all the better for having been lightly kissed by frost. . .
Eggs from the hen house, another flush of mushrooms -- oysters and shitakes, and fat potatoes, dark soil still clinging to them . . . the makings of a feast . . .
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Old and New
I love our rural county where old tobacco barns, seemingly held together by clinging vines, are common sights while innovation is cautiously creeping in --an energy-generating windmill at the high school caught my eye the other day and reminded me of the Chinese saying I've probably quoted before . . .
"Change is a dragon: to ignore it is perilous, to fight it, futile;
But harness it and ride . . . ahhh!