About a month to go till Summer Solstice when the sunrise will begin its journey back to the right(southwards.)
For reference, below is a pre-sunrise picture from the Winter Solstice--the sun is brightening the sky behind those trees on the right.
Such a journey! Growing up in the suburbs with no clear view of sunrise or sunset beyond an occasional trip to the beach, I had no idea of how the sunrise moves. Sure, science teachers explained it, but it took living with it to really grasp the concept.
With a different pattern everyday! Will Josie notice?
When I first moved to these mountains, I marked the places that the winter solstice sun reached on my floor of white tiles. That small mark was so different from where the sun hit for summer solstice! I had known these differences, but having south facing windows really let me see and measure it for the first time. Now I have shade from trees, so can't do marks. But the sunlight doesn't bother me when the leaves fall and it's cold outside...and it feeds all my house plants through the winter.
Therese--I'll make sure she notices!
Think of me as I photograph sunrise across the flat field.
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