Saturday, May 2, 2020

Bubby Bush

The Sweet Shrub is in bloom, its pineappleish scent reminding me to look for it. It grows wild across the road from the pond and the dark maroon flowers are easy to overlook. But not the scent.

Calycanthus floridus, aka sweet shrub or Carolina Allspice is also known as Bubby Bush because, I'm told, at one time mountain women going to church or a play party would place a few of the fragrant blooms in their bosom--between their 'bubbies.'  Thus, Bubby Bush. More about this native shrub HERE.


Barbara Rogers said...

Oh what a great name for a scented bush. Yesterday was one scent, today yet another...can't wait to see, er smell, what comes next!

Ida said...

Growing up in Eastern N.C. we called it Sweet Betsy. I have one in my yard that is, apparently the only variety that doesn't have a scent. It's a bummer but I let it stay.

GPearson said...

That's what my Grammaw called it but she never told me why. I was trying to explain the fragrance to a friend the other day and couldn't quite describe it. But, pineapple is close. Thank you.