Monday, May 13, 2024

An Excellent Day

Bright and clear and in the seventies--my favorite sort of day. And since it was Mother's Day, I gave myself permission to idle about: a little painting, some reading, a visit to the flowers and a quiet spell by the fish pool.
(Who am I kidding? I give myself permission for this sort of day a lot.)

But I didn't even have to think about dinner as Justin and Claui and Josie were coming up to make shrimp and grits.

The Siberian Iris are blooming like mad.

Bailey checked out the pond. 

A pale blue dragonfly watched. 

And there were many tadpoles.



jennyfreckles said...

Such beautiful photos from your oasis of calm.

Anvilcloud said...

(Who am I kidding? I give myself permission for this sort of day a lot.)

Glad you added that. 😊

Nice iris pics.

Sandra Parshall said...

You live in a little paradise.

Barbara Rogers said...

When someone asked if I had a great day yesterday, I said I was totally satisfied, not going for greatness. Someone else can have that. Your day also sounds very satisfactory, or maybe even with total contentment.

Marcia said...

My son in law made lobster risotto. It was good.