Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dancing Fuchsia

This fuchsia, a Mother's Day gift from Claui, is like a whole corps de ballet in fancy tutus.



Anvilcloud said...

It's beautiful, and it is good to take a variety of shots.

Sandra Parshall said...

Lovely. Hummingbirds like them, don't they?

Barbara Rogers said...

What a lovely plant! Yes ballet is the right metaphor for those blooms!

Marcia said...

I had one last year. They are very fun plants to look at though never consider them as ballet divas. I tried to winter over mine with no success.
White iris buds are nice and swollen to soon open!

Vicki Lane said...

Sandy--yes, hummingbirds do visit them. I'm trying to provide lots of h-bird attractive flowers as I no longer put up feeders due to the danger of mold.

Marcia--so glad it's doing!