Sunday, May 19, 2024

At the Party

Unicorns! Rainbows! Balloons! Stars! Stuff!

Goody bags in wait.

The look on their faces made me so happy!

Opening presents!

And there was a pinata!

The lone boy knew better than to mix it up with these girls. 

But everyone got some of the treats and it was an excellent party! 



Sandra Parshall said...

What a wonderful party -- so many friends, so many gifts,and a spectacular cake! I'm glad the weather was good and the kids were able to go outside to play.

Vicki Lane said...

Rain had been predicted but it held off till the party was over. Whew!

Barbara Rogers said...

The most wonderful ever rainbow cake! Made full of love, sweat and tears (no) by a grandmother who spends much time and energy showing her love to the newly seven year old! Great photos of the party too! (A hard thing to do in the midst!)

Janet Morrison said...

What a lovely party for Josie! "Girls just wanna have fun" popped in my head while looking at the pictures.