Continuing my armchair travel (see Friday's post,) I came across this marvelous haiku-like poem attributed to Maximilian I(1459-1519,)Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. I find myself wanting to paint it on a wall somewhere.
Live--don't know how long
And die--don't know when
Must go--don't know where
I am astonished I am so cheerful.

Wow...I know very little about this leader...Emperor. And the painting of his "scholarly" look has him holding a fruit, or veggie, I believe. Mmmm. Time to go duck duck go...since I disdain google, shh, don't tell it though. I search with Duck Duck Go and maybe don't get as many sales junk sent to me. I do like the saying. Thanks. (And now I've read Wikipedia's stories about him.)
For some reason this gave me a flash of my mom - I was astonished she was so cheerful when she was so old ( my age now). Thanks Vicki!
I like this.
Let's write "cheerful" first.
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