Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day 2021

Roses are red;
43 senators are yellow.
Selling their souls
For a traitorous fellow.

 I don't know what happened. I'd been following the trial in the Senate off and on all day, right to the inevitable and disgraceful conclusion.  Then I realized I needed to switch gears and do a nice hearts and flowers post for today,

I looked and looked for an appropriate image but this is what I came up with. Doesn't actually work as a valentine, I guess . . .at least not for those of you likely to be looking at it. Hearts and flowers to you!

If only I could send it to Mitch and his pusillanimous posse. 


Barbara Rogers said...

I love your sentiments! So politics has written the book of history. We will love the beautiful sincere hopeful ones, and put the others into a big box where the lid may be firmly locked down, then set it on fire, and dance around it -then out of those ashes might arise the phoenix of tomorrow. All done with love in our hearts!

Vicki Lane said...

So may it be.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Quite succinct and to the point in just a few words. Well said! I especially like your description of the former majority leader...Thank you! Happy Valentine's Day!!

katy gilmore said...

Perfect Valentine for that gang!