Tuesday, April 11, 2023

White Apple Bloom, Pink Cones, and Bluebells



Sandra Parshall said...

I've never seen pink cones before. What produces them? We have plenty of evergreen cones littering the yard, and those tiny cones from our Chinese Dawn redwood, but they're all brown.

Vicki Lane said...

I think it's some sort of spruce. They eventually turn brown but they start out this charming pink. https://conifersociety.org/conifers/articles/12-amazing-conifer-cones/

Barbara Rogers said...

Another bright sunny day on your mountain with blooms and tiny baby cones! Love them all!

jennyfreckles said...

Oh, pretty. The pink cones are nice. They make me fancy an ice cream (pink, cone) so it's good that summer is coming!

Vagabonde said...

The pink cones are sweet. Those little lavender flowers are in the front border of my yard in Nashville as well. The previous owner must have planted them, what are they? Some type of wild hyacinth

Vicki Lane said...

I believe the lavender/purple flowers are a type of bluebell. Which is probably a type of hyacinth.