Monday, April 17, 2023

Dawgs...and Kittehs

Forget it, Bailey. You'll never be as cool as Otter and me.

We are calm and sophisticated.

Wait a minute! Is there food?

Looks like a false alarm to me. 

Oh, hi. Welcome to the more rational part of the house. The dogs aren't allowed back here during the day which suits us fine. We don't see why they get to sleep back here but The Woman and That Man allow it.

But seeing them, the dogs AND the people, is why we daily thank Bast for letting us be born as cats. Anything else would be too horrible to contemplate.



Anvilcloud said...

You do have a houseful, and I bet those dawgs can be very rambunctious.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Aren't they grand! We had two dogs and two cats at one time. Now we only have two cats as the "puppies" have passed! I really enjoyed this post! Cathy

Barbara Rogers said...

Baily can put his ears up! Kittehs come that way! Glad you've got such a houseful of critters.

Sandra Parshall said...

Where's Bob? How does he manage all those female dogs?

Great to see the cats! I'm glad they have a safe nd sunny retreat.

Vicki Lane said...

Bob spends most of his time with John--that's his job. He plays with the girls some but mainly focuses on John.

Marcia said...

Didn't realize you had 3 dogs now. Is Bob a dog or cat?

jennyfreckles said...

What a menagerie you have. Bailey looks adorable, quite sparky!

Glenda Beall said...

I love this post, Vicki. I have had dogs and cats most of my life, but am now down to one dog that is all I can care for and I adore her.