Wednesday, February 22, 2023

About the Age Thing

I have been grinning like a Cheshire Cat as I read more about President Biden's surprise visit to Ukraine--a war zone, no less. He may be old but, by god, he's got guts.

Can you picture the Former Guy putting himself in that kind of danger? 



Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I'm so glad Biden is our President.

Barbara Rogers said...

Love your spring flowers...and I do have respect for Biden. None at all for his predicessor.

Sandra Parshall said...

Biden has accomplished wonders in just two years, and he isn't getting credit for it. The infrastructure bill -- bipartisan -- will be such a blessing to the country in so many ways. The former guy promised desperately needed infrastructure improvements for four years and never delivered. Biden has delivered. He's in good health overall, seems to have plenty of energy (he rides a bike!) and his mind is sharp, despite the fools on Fox calling him the "senile hermit in the White House." Not many hermits choose to visit war zones to bolster the spirits of an embattled nation.