Saturday, May 28, 2022

Poor Starving Jenny

I thought she was getting a drink of water . . .

Jenny is actually fishing for waterweed/elodea.

And she is eating it. It's probably full of vitamins. And she's been doing this routinely now with no stomach upsets. We do feed her twice a day . . . plus snacks.



Marcia said...

Not having owned a dog I do find this s bit strange.

By the way I ordered copies of your first three in the mystery series. Just realized by ordering used copies you get no royalties. Sorry about that.

Sandra Parshall said...

Vegetation helps both cats and dogs digest their food. Look it up to make sure it's harmless, then just let her enjoy it.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a good little hunter she is! I think that is preferable to dogs who eat grass, and usually barf it back up. I am not a dog person, so can't give any advice.

Teddy said...

Ha! I thought she was fishing. Water weeds are better than eating the fish, I guess. What a dog.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

If that's the same thing as pondweed, it's what swan's eat! Maybe Jenny is becoming a swan!