Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Josie the Photographer

Josie has discovered phone photography. I've loved seeing what catches her eye. (Everything, to some extent--she took almost 500 pictures once she got going. I have selected a few that caught my eye) 

Obviously, I took this one below. But she approved of it immensely. "Look at my hair!"



Anvilcloud said...

Both their age and height give them a different POV.

Thérèse said...

Each one has its own appeal. Through Josie's eyes, let's feel like a child!

Marcia said...

What a different world for a 5 year old than what we had at that age. Could you imagine taking photos with a phone at age 5?

Sandra Parshall said...

She does have a good eye, which doesn't surprise me at all, and a phone is such an easy way for her to get into photography. But you're going to be busy trying to manage the storage space on your phone!

Vicki Lane said...

Sandy, I save the best ones to my computer--don't leave them on my phone.

JJM said...

She's got a good eye, that one, and she's starting the learning process early. A bit more practice in composition and settings, and she might end up being right good at this!

Cheryl Cato said...

These are just lovely!!! It's so much fun to watch the excitement of learning. She is a great little observer!