Sunday, April 10, 2022

And Then . . .

The weather service had it right: snow/rain/sleet interspersed with brief periods of sunshine all day Saturday.

It didn't drop to freezing so I'm hopeful that the new leaves and blossoms won't have been crisped.

A few days ago was shirt sleeve weather and next week should see temps rising again. 

April is the cruelest  month.

Update Sunday morning: And then . . .




Marcia said...

It's 32ยบ here this morning with snow showers in our forecast. strange weather systems as we head through spring.

Barbara Rogers said...

Such extremes our weather is chucking out. I don't remember springs being so many different kinds of days.

Anvilcloud said...

Here’s to an absence of late frosts. Of course, we are there yet. It has been frosty the last two mornings.