Tuesday, April 26, 2022

And in the News

It doesn't take a lot to make me happy at this time of year--azaleas and wisteria blooming, Josie taking a plunge and getting her ice cream in a delicious waffle cone instead of a paper cup, putting away most of my winter clothes . . .

 Sure, there's plenty to worry about in the news--

But amidst all the bad news, I was so happy that the French re-elected centrist Macron rather than giving the nod to far-right LePen. If only our country will have the wisdom and the heart to turn its back on hate.

And here in NC, a litter of red wolf pups was born in the wild! (Story HERE.)



Barbara Rogers said...

Mmm, waffle cones! I used to love frozen yogurt in them...TCBY was the outfit's name I think. It seems there's balancing of good news with bad these days, but I cringe listening to what's broadcast whenever I listen to it. Social Media may be in the pockets of a couple of billionaires but as of today the public still has a free voice...(I think.)

Anvilcloud said...

Yes, that was a resounding win, but how did she even get that many voted?

Sandra Parshall said...

I saw the story about the red wold litter and was thrilled. The first red wolves released into the wild were promptly shot. I hope this litter will be allowed to live and take their natural place in the environment.

Thérèse said...

Yes the worst has been avoided but we have elections in June which will show more of what is really happening in the country. The geopolitik is leading our presidents' minds... it does not help at all.

jennyfreckles said...

Lots to be thankful for. I've also been enjoying azaleas today when I visited some gardens.