Otter and I spent all day Wednesday at Meema and Grumpy's. Of course, I had pancakes. And Meema made an extra-big one for me to sneak later. Jenny was Very Interested because she likes pancakes too. So does Otter.
Meema and I did some painting
This is Meema and me at the beach. You can see the sun in the sky and the sand and the water.
I also painted some trees for my Castle People.
Under here is one of my hiding places. Otter is watching how I get out.
It was nice and warm back in The Room. Corycat watched me.
Then I had to fix breakfast for Dolly. She asked for spaghetti, but I told her she could have pancakes with syrup. She said she wanted spaghetti sauce on her pancakes, but I told her NO. Sometimes Dolly is Too Silly.
Otter wanted to come up. She has to be helped because she is still little.
Jenny jumps right up.
Later all of us had a nap. Otter and Jenny were tired and snuggled up together. It was a good nap.
Then I dressed up like a princess with a fan and a velvet hat and velvet slippers.
If I stand on one of the dining room chairs, I can reach the third shelf. My Castle People are on the two bottom shelves and the two top shelves are for Meema's stuff. That's what she says.
But there was a little Christmas tree and toys and a snow globe on the third shelf and some of my Castle People really wanted to play up there. So I let them.
There is lots of room on the top shelf, but I can't reach it.
Ah, the energy of the young! I salute grandmothers who keep up with them (and the pups!)
Anyone else get a strange sense of foreboding at that final "Yet"?
She will grow. That you can count on. Love her on the bed with the two dogs cuddled next to her.
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