Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Josie Has Braids and Learns About Sewing

Hey, it's me Josie. Meema picked me up from preschool Monday afternoon and I had a sleepover and spent all day Tuesday with Meema and Grumpy. She really wanted to braid my hair and said I could have an Oreo if I stayed still. So I let her do it and take pictures too.

Jenny is very interested in everything I do, especially if I have food. Or toys. She did a very Bad Thing and I'll tell you about it later, but she is still my friend and slept on the bed with me and Meema.

Also she licks me. She is not tasting me. She is kissing me.

I had a lot of painting to do because we were making Christmas cards.

When we got home on Monday, Meema had a surprise for me--sewing cards! They will help me learn to sew (There is a reason I need to learn- it has to do with the Very Bad Thing.)

The sewing cards are shaped like dinosaurs and have holes all around the edges. There are different colored shoelaces to sew with. Meema showed me how to make a knot in one end. Then we pretended the other end was a bunny and he came up in a hole and then went down in the next hole and up in the next one and kept going up and down all around the dinosaur. 

I got a little frustrated sometimes when things got tangled up, but Meema showed me how to undo the mess the bunny had made. Soon I could do it ALL BY MYSELF!

Soon I had done all the cards! I can take out the shoestrings and do them again and again. When I have practiced some more, Meema is going to help me make a stuffie. 

The Very Bad Thing that happened was that on Monday Jenny chewed up Blue Elephant who is my favorite stuffie who goes everywhere with me. She did it before and Meema sewed him up. This time was worse and Meema said it would take longer. 

But I was Incredibly Brave and said it was okay and I would have Snuggle Puppy to sleep with. I hope Meema really can fix him. That's another reason to learn to sew--fixing things.

Also, at lunch I surprised Meema. I counted to 200. That is almost a thousand.

I guess I really am a Big Girl now.



Barbara Rogers said...

How very grown up you are, Josie, to tell about the elephant and Jenny (and I'm so glad she didn't eat any of the pieces!) and all your day with your grands. Too bad the pretty braids came out so easily.

Vicki Lane said...

I have learned now that I should wet her hair before I braid it and they will stay better.

Sandra Parshall said...

Adorable braids while they lasted. Poor blue elephant. Jenny is just a baby still and will learn not to be so destructive.

Anvilcloud said...

I could probably learn from those sewing cards.

Marcia said...

That was some major damage to a stuffie. I hope your Meema can fix it right, Josie.