Thursday, September 16, 2021


The air is cooler and leaves are beginning to drift down. Now, as the summer flowers fade, I find myself cherishing the ones that remain--the Gergera daisy from the grocery store. . .

The Mother's Day fuchsia from 2020 that, after a bit of fertilizer, broke forth in bloom. (It feels like a miracle--I've never had a fuchsia come through the winter in the green house--they usually succumb to whitefly or something.)

The elegant edges of a curled up morning glory . . . the patches of sunlight hiding in the perennial begonia . . .

So much to cherish.



Barbara Rogers said...

As the flowers, so are your words.

Anvilcloud said...

Awww ... nice post and pics.

jennyfreckles said...

Little gems, all of them.

Marcia said...

I'm wondering how I can winter over a begonia I got this year on Mother's Day. No greenhouse here. Maybe one day. I wonder how it will do in the cellar next to a window?