Saturday, June 1, 2024

Rabbit, Rabbit



Marcia said...

When are you going to make a calendar of your paintings?

I posted a photo of the white iris on my blog just now, along with other iris photos and narrative. The white is such a beauty!

In other news I was helping sort a 2000 book "collection" of a town resident who recently passed away. She asked that her books be sold to raise money for our new library. Anyway in sorting I came across one of your mystery series in hardback. What a surprise. Now I put collection in quotes because one might think they were in order. Not the case. Scattered throughout the house on bookshelves, the floor, mantle, in tubs. Four of us managed to clear out one room and box the books but other rooms are still a mess especially her office where you'd think they'd be organized because she sold used books on eBay. There will be many days of sorting to go.

Sandra Parshall said...

I always love your rabbits, Vicki.

Barbara Rogers said...

Happy rabbit day to you!