Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Opening of Tomato Galette Season

This seems like such a summer dish to me. And there were some nice Beefsteak tomatoes on sale at the grocery... 

I love this recipe for the crust--it's quickly made in the food processer and can wait several days in the refrigerator till needed. And it's crispy and crackly, reminiscent of puff pastry.

The crust was made and waiting as I prepared the tomatoes for the filling, only to find I had no kalamata olives. So I substituted a mix of fancy olives we'd been given and left out the feta--saving it for the spinach and cucumber salad.

It was delicious, even with the changes. If you'd like to give a galette a go, you can find the original recipe on an earlier post HERE



Anvilcloud said...

It looks good although I am not sure if I would like it with the olives. I'm funny that way. :)

Vicki Lane said...

Ac, as my husband said, you could always use pepperoni instead.

Barbara Rogers said...

It does look good. I had a spinach and tomato salad at lunch yesterday.

JJM said...

Sliced tomatoes, green (or red or yellow) peppers, sliced onion. Judicious splash of olive oil, sprinkling of oregano. Optional but good: crumbled feta.

I wasn't a fan of cooked green peppers (red and yellow seldom appeared in the supermarkets back then) until I spent some months in Greece for dissertation research. My favourite eatery in Athens, in the middle of the tourist-crowded Plaka but too hole-in-the-wallish for all but the adventurous tourists, taught me the joys of the tomato/pepper/onion/oregano/olive oil combination. That, some souvlaki, and a glass or two (or three) of retsina ... a banquet made in heaven.

Greece is also where I discovered a squeeze of lemon makes an amazin' condiment for fried pork chops.

Vicki Lane said...

Alas, I've never been to Greece--but have had some excellent Greek food. And their way with lemon is inspiring. It brightens up many a dish.