Saturday, June 15, 2024


Part of my morning routine, along with coffee, Heather Cox Richardson and the NY Times, is playing the game Connections in which you try to make groups of four out of sixteen seemingly unconnected words (or numbers or letters.) It kinda gets my mind in gear for the day.

So, for your Saturday morning mind, what's the connection between these four photos?




Marcia said...

Along with Wordle my siblings and I play Connections and share our results. My youngest sister (63) does the best because she's more in touch with current trends. My oldest brother and his wife do it together so two heads are better than one. The other three which includes me don't fare as well. I may get one or two connections but then the others are beyond my comprehension.

As to your four photos from the first two I though it was the eyes but then the third photo I don' even see what it is and the last, well you got me. No connections in my mind! I'll look again and see if something clicks.

Marcia said...

Second look - still nothing!

Sandra Parshall said...

The obvious connection between the pictures is the person who took all of them. 😄

Anvilcloud said...

Connections is the one game that doesn't suit me, so I have no clue about how your photos are connected.

Vicki Lane said...

AC--just as I haven't a clue re Sudoku.

jennyfreckles said...

I love having a (similar) morning routine, though it's Wordle that taxes my brain. I haven't come across Connections and I don't know that I'm much good at it as I'm stumped by your photos.

JJM said...

OMG -- I think I have the answer!

(I needed a hint on this morning's Connections, since both of the last sets of four involved subjects about which I knew nothing; even with the hint, I had to guess ... And my first guess was wrong. But I got there before the end. Phew.)

My morning wake-up-the-mind routine also involves (inter alia) the _New York Times_ crossword, Beau of the Fifth Column, and, of course, this blog.

GPearson said...

I love Connections. I would say this one is images ending in OG.
I always do Crossword, Spelling Bee, Wordle, Connections, and Strands. And always read your blog. Thank you.

Vicki Lane said...

And what I was aiming at was DOG FROG LOG FOG--really just a excuse to use that nice picture of Jenny.

Sandra Parshall said...

That's a lovely photo of Jenny!

Vicki Lane said...

Sandy, I thought o too. In fact, it's how the post came about--finding some rationale for using it.

Thérèse said...

Oh now I see. A very good example to understand fully the game.

JJM said...

I guess I didn't hint broadly enough by bolding the OG in OMG in my comment. [laughs]

Vicki Lane said...

Well played--but I missed it.