Monday, June 10, 2024

Hamlet and the Pirates (and Me Josie) at the Library

On Friday, I took the babies to the library to see a performance.  I am careful to buckle them in.

An actor was doing a story about a guy named Hamlet who is trying to find out who killed his father. (His father is a ghost now.) But then Hamlet got mixed up with some pirates. 

There were lots of kids there, including my friends Sylvia and Regan. (Meema was sitting in a chair back with the grownups and she had the babies.) We sat and watched and laughed and then . . .

...Hamlet needed our help! I was one of the kids he picked to be dragons. I do not have stage fright. When I was little, I did, but last summer I went to theater camp and learned not to have stage fright.

It was fun being a dragon. But one very lucky girl got to sword fight with Hamlet. (They were blow-up swords, so no one got hurt.)

When the play was over and everybody clapped, it was time to go to the playground! We had a picnic and I played with some kids and then went inside and played checkers with a girl, and I picked out nine books to take home. Our library is the best!



Sandra Parshall said...

That is indeed a wonderful library, with such delightful programs for children.

Barbara Rogers said...

WHat fun indeed! Loved your last action shot of Josie running on the playground. That library sure is giving kids some great things to do...Hamlet indeed! Now they can be going around saying "To be, or not to be?" Maybe not. Pirates and dragons sound good!

Marcia said...

That is one wonderful library. Maybe when our library gets its new building they will. have programs like that too.

jennyfreckles said...

It sounds great fun, how lovely to have those facilities locally.