They're givin' (as our neighbors used to say) hard cold for Sunday night. So all the tender porch plants will make their annual pilgrimage to the greenhouse.
This beautiful fuchsia (still blooming!) has come through two winters inside--I hope it can do it again. My previous fuchsias have never even lasted through the summer.
In go the indestructible Angel Wing Begonias . . .
And the ever-cheerful geraniums.
Soon the leaves will be the main source of color --for a while.

We emptied our still-blooming petunia pots yesterday. They were in decline but still surprisingly good, but one doesn’t want to wait for frost and freezing.
I know the freeze is coming, but have determined only to over-winter the real houseplants, and not my summer ones. So orchids yes, no to geraniums, yes to succulents, no to chrysanthemums. I can't live around mold, and anything that has water in the bottom of the pot - out you go!
We let our hanging houseplants enjoy summer on the screened porch, along with succulents (including holiday cactus), but they sulk when we bring them inside. A few leaves yellow and drop, but then they quickly settle down and look lush and happy for the winter. Orchids stay indoors year-round. The moving of the plants is an annual ritual.
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