My mother and her father. I wondered why they were standing out by the mailbox for this picture. (The house across the street belonged to the Hammers who had a daughter a bit older than I and who was entrusted, now and then, to walk with me the two or three blocks to the drug store where we would enjoy lime freezes. Mrs. Hammer had an amazing collection of little green ceramic elves on every surface in her Florida room. There were lily pads too. I admired them fiercely and suggested we start a collection, but my mother was having none of it.)
This picture suggested why my mother and grandfather were staring toward the house. I suspect that this brick walk was just installed as I think I remember concrete stepping-stones originally.
This was the early Fifties--a new development built on what had been pasture. (We found cow bones.) I still love the beautiful long leaf pines.
My brother and I had lots of friends in the growing neighborhood--a whole gang of kids to play kick-the-can or red rover or, when we got older, to ride bikes with. We owned the vacant lot between us and the McKays and in time my brother and his friends would play baseball there.
It was, for us, a happy time.

The treasure of ordinary memories.
Wonderful early Florida photos (well early in our lifetimes!) That is a great sidewalk of bricks. And you were already tall!
You had a privileged childhood in many ways. It's wonderful that you have so many photos of those memories to pass on to another generation.
Was it the John Hammers?
It was, indeed.
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