Friday, January 14, 2022

Josie Does Art and Other Stuff

When I spend the day with Meema, the first thing I like to do (after pancakes) is to paint.

I tried some new things--a purple outline with purple lines across it. Then I very carefully painted yellow between the lines.

Meema is painting leaves. 

Here is some of my work. The purple and yellow shapes are aliens. That is me Josie in green talking to the alien. There is a sun. 

When we had painted enough, we played the Ladybug Game. It is fun. 

I can read the cards that say Go Ahead 4 or Go Back 2. You have to get past the ants and the preying mantises to win. Also you collect aphids along the way. I got 14.

We played three games and I won all three. Meema did not win any. But she didn't mind.

Also I worked in a workbook. I am good at doing the problems. I go very fast. We did at least ten pages. It is time for a new workbook, I think.



Anvilcloud said...

That first photo, with the window, appealed to me.

Barbara Rogers said...

Good to see you continuing your own artistic endeavors while guiding Josie. She certainly is getting more intellectually challenged.

Sandra Parshall said...

Such a lovely time together. The ladybug game sounds like fun, just perfect for someone Josie's age.

Marcia said...

You have a nice nursery school set up for Josie on the days she's with you. I'll have to be doing the same come February in Buffalo as we await a new baby sister for granddaughter #3. She won't be going to preK in the weeks before baby is due to avoid picking up Covid and bringing it home to baby.