Monday, March 15, 2021

This is Humbling . . . And Good for Me

At least I assume trying to learn something new that requires attention and hand-eye coordination is good for a person of my age (78! how did that happen?)

These three were done attempting to follow a video tutorial. (She makes it look so easy.) They are still unfinished, awaiting the final touches of white ink (I've ordered a pen) but I don't hold out much hope--I know I over-worked them, especially the one on the right (Night Sky, ha! Big Mess.) But that's how I learn, evidently, by making mistakes.

I also learned about the importance of taking time to let the paint dry (or half-dry, depending on what you're doing.) That was the idea in the tutorial behind working on three pictures at one time--a little here, then move on to the next.

The next day I did an exercise from  Watercolor Success in Four Steps. This went slightly better though I should have taken more time with my preliminary sketch. And while I was waiting for the various stages to dry, I washed some more windows. Multitasking!

Along with yesterday's rainy landscape, I'd like to paint these daffodils. . . someday . . . 



Anvilcloud said...

I am impressed. Don't be hard on yourself. You're doing well IMO.

Barbara Rogers said...

Yes, go to it! Practice is the fun of watercolors. And you've got to think play or process, not product. The paint will show you what it wants. and then you can change minimally. It only accepts additions, no subtractions. I'm so happy that you're doing inspires me to get to finding my paints. I have no idea where they are stored away. And there are at least 5 tubs with art supplies in them!

Marcia said...

You do have talent. Don't short change yourself. The tree frog is wonderful. The triptych has potential too.

Thérèse said...

You found so much inspiration around you. Nice practice.