Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower



jennyfreckles said...

Wonderful to see the power of shoots appearing here now.

Barbara Rogers said...

She awakens!

KarenB said...

I have some daffodil noses just poking up out of the half-frozen soil here. And still quite a bit of snow yet to melt.

What are those darling little blue flowers in the last picture?

Vicki Lane said...

The blue flowers may be aubrieta (rock cress)-- butI planted it a few years backs and can't remember for sure.

Marcia said...

I envy you your spring blooms. If we were still in Maryland we'd be seeing them too. It will be sometime yet before spring signs appear here.

Sandra Parshall said...

We have blooming crocuses and the daffodils are well up. I hate winter with a passion and always love the arrival of spring and flowers and warm weather. This year, unfortunately, the 17-year cicadas will emerge to make summer a misery, but we'll still have the warmth and the flowers.