Monday, November 26, 2018

Just Wondering . . .

For what crime is it that the White House turkeys are pardoned?

And why is a wrongfully convicted person 'pardoned' when proven innocent? Shouldn't there be a different term? 'Exonerated' maybe?

'Pardoned,' it seems to me, implies wrong-doing which is now being forgiven.  Maybe someone with legal knowledge can explain this to me.


Anvilcloud said...

You never know where your thoughts will take you.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

These are all such good questions. I hope you post any answers you find. Thank you for the beautiful, serene photographs that are a lovely start to fyi day.

Barbara Rogers said...

How about exonerated? Or expunged? Or there's another, I think exculpate! Glad I'm not a lawyer.

Jime said...

Probably because they were turkeys.