Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Rain Came

Click on picture below for slide show with commentary.  Happy Sunday! 

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Anonymous said...

These were very beautiful, Vicki. Glad to see it rained in your neighborhood.
Great shots...:)

Stephanie D said...

Love those rain-washed mornings.

NCmountainwoman said...

Loved the slide show but couldn't hear the commentary. Gorgeous photographs.

L. D. said...

This is so wonderful. I like the very first picture and am anxious to see them all open up.

Vicki Lane said...

The commentary is written --captions.

Tess Kincaid said...

Just gorgeous! Move over National Geographic! We had a much needed rain last night, as well.

jennyfreckles said...

We could do with rain here - despite all the snow we had in the winter they are now talking of drought here in England. (No-one is ever satisfied!)

Folkways Note Book said...

Like the turtle -- he looks healthy and strong -- barbara

Vicki Lane said...

The sequence of pictures was actually from Thursday -- but we have just now (Sunday evening)had a nice rain and thunder is rumbling as if we might get more.

Victoria said...

Well, just like last year, I am envious of your rain, but happy for those of you who got rain.

I loved the slideshow!

Merisi said...

Summer rains are special, and even more so when captured and captioned by you!

Tipper said...

Glad you got the rain-we haven't had any in days and days-I'm hoping and praying it comes soon!