Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Temperatures in the nineties today -- hot, hot, hot!

 We hoped for rain and got a magnificent cloud show just at supper time. Not much rain resulted but there was a rainbow! 
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seema gupta said...

beautiful pics


Pat in east TN said...

Wow, what a beautiful series of pictures!

Subby said...

Awesome slide-show, Vicki! I've yet to put all me pics in album form. What is it about cloud-watching, anyway? It opens one's imagination and can relax...

Brian Miller said...

wow. beautiful pics...gonna be a hot one here as well...

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Vicki - this blog and your pictures are just the loveliest way to start my day. thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I just hope today brings more rain and less heat at your place.

Tammy said...

Hi Vicki,
I can't open your slideshow here at work, but we are having similar weather here. So hot but the humidity is the killer. It's thick enough to cut with a knife! This morning is pretty pleasant though with showers moving through. (We have had good rains all Spring though). My container 'garden' is taking off finally.

Vicki Lane said...

Those cloud pictures were all taken within about twenty minutes. They were just hurtling along overhead and brought a lot of wind and a Very welcome temperature drop.

We saw a horse and a porpoise, among other things, Subby.

Thanks so much, Kaye! And seeing Donald looking so healthy and happy over on your blog was an excellent start to my day!

Sounds like our weather, Tammy!

Miss_Yves said...

Beautiful set of clouds to finish with a wonderful rainbow.
Here, in normandy, tempetratures are low, low, low...as if we were in octiber, we and our roses have sufferd too much rain .

Miss_Yves said...


Martin said...

And what a cloud show! We're not too hot here yet, but I'm sure our summer will stutter into life when it's ready.

alexis nicole said...

I love the rain. If I could get rain with 90 degree weather, I would play in it!
BEAUTIFUL pictures.

Tess Kincaid said...

Love those dramatic skies!! Guess we've been hogging all the rain up here. I'll blame it on Chief Leatherlips.

steveroni said...

Vicki, you have very attractive blogs--too many for me to get to all of them, but I DID!

Off topic...about MUSIC: The finest musicians I know, traveling artists who solo with the finest symphonies, usually have a coach who they spend time with playing their repertoire, and receiving needed feedback and advice.

Same with writers? Also, i wish to say, on need not "know" music unless one IS a musician! Only whatcha need to know, is what does it DO to me? How does it make me FEEL? Does it lift me on a dreary day? Etc.....hope I am not being rude to suggest this to you, Dear Vicki!

Vicki Lane said...

Miss Yves and Martin, your cooler weather sounds appealing just now -- but I must admit our weather is helping things grow at a steady pace.

Welcome, Steveroni -- my editor is very much like that coach. Re music -- as with art, I don't know much about it but I do know what I like.

Victoria said...

Vicki, those are beautiful flower photos. I couldn't open up the slide show (my computer is being persnickity) but I'm so glad the clouds made it cooler for you!

Tipper said...

Pretty : )