Thursday, June 17, 2010

Everyday Wonders

Concentric petals
Purple picotee-edged ice
Radiating red...
At the kitchen sink
I admire this pungent sight
Through a blur of tears.


And Miss_Yves said...
 Cercles de pétales
découpage au bord givré
irradiant le rouge.
Penchée sur l'évier  j'admir(e) cette vue caustique  dans le flou des larmes.


Catalyst said...

I don't know what picotee means but that looks like a red onion to me!

Victoria said...

Lovely haikus! I thought the first photo was of some sort of exotic flower. It wasn't until I looked at the second photo that realized it was a red onion. An everyday wonder, indeed! I love the way you captured it; it made me see with 'new eyes.'

June said...

Every, every thing has marvelous beautiful features...we don't notice most of it.
Those pictures of a simple onion are lovely.

Elora said...

Loved your post yesterday on rainbows, and today's onion is so lovely, too! Thank you, Vicki, for your artistry and your eye!


Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Vicki, I love your "kitchen art." Sometimes I look in my sink after I've peeled lots of different vegetables and think what gorgeous colors.

Brian Miller said...

wonderful...amazing how much beauty there is to be had in the simple things that surround us...and your haikus. smiles.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This was great. Lovely writing as always. The Onion sure is beautiful even though, it can make one teary.

Vicki Lane said...

Such fun, these everyday wonders!

Miss_Yves said...

Waouh!very creative picture !
I come back later with my translation!

gayle said...

Wow!! Pretty neat!!

NCmountainwoman said...

You could name this post "Take time to stop and smell the onions." Thanks for reminding us to look for beauty in our everyday chores. It's always there...we just fail to look for it.

Tess Kincaid said...

Wow!! Brilliant shots, Vicki and wonderful words, too. That first pic just pops!!

Stella Jones said...

They are sooooo pretty aren't they and tasty too. I also cry buckets when I cut them up. It helps to do it under water, as I expect you already know.
Nice bit of abstract art.

Martin said...

Very nice sequence with words to match.

Betsy Brock said...

Beautiful! The first one looks like an ear! I'm always seeing things in my food and posting about regular readers have come to terms with my craziness. ha.

Merisi said...

I love the oion and the electric yellow background! :-)

jennyfreckles said...
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jennyfreckles said...

So good to see the beauty in simple everyday things. The colours here are gorgeous.

amarkonmywall said...

These lovely photos remind me of candy-striped beets, Mother nature gives us some amazing colors and patterns.

Vicki Lane said...

That first pic, Willow and Merisi, was the onion slice on a yellow plate with the color saturation kicked up a notch.

I, too, saw an ear, Betsy.

I've grown candy-striped beets just for the pleasure of slicing them -- none this year however.

Reader Wil said...

I never realised that onions were so beautiful! It takes an artist to discover this!

Miss_Yves said...

Sorry, I ignore the meaning of"picotee"...

Penchée sur l'évier (5)
j'admir(e) cette vue caustique (7)
dans le flou des larmes (5)

Miss_Yves said...


Cercles de pétales (5)
découpage au bord givré (7)
irradiant le rouge .(5)

Tipper said...

I need to open my eyes wider and look harder for the everyday wonders around me-I'm glad you found this one.