Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tiny Toad and Thoughts on VP Pick

 About the size of my little fingernail. They are everywhere, making mindful walking a necessity.

I'm looking forward to seeing who Kamala picks. It seems to me there are lots of good choices. Of course, there's so much to consider, beyond background, political views, and personality. Would the choice of X lose a Dem seat? Would the choice of Y bring more swing voters to the ticket? Would the choice of Z better balance the ticket (whatever that means.)

Our NC governor Roy Cooper was under consideration, and he would have been a good pick. But like Joe Biden, he put the good of the party and the people before personal ambition and chose to withdraw his name, rather than leave our state at the mercy of the radical right Lt. Gov. Some Folks Need Killing Robinson.

I liked a suggestion I saw in an op-ed (link HERE): that perhaps Kamala needs a team. Yes, pick a VP--but go on to announce her picks for Cabinet and other positions. Unlike the Orange Bloviator's "I alone can fix it," it would be "Together, we can fix it."

Shades of the Justice League and the Magnificent Seven!


Sandra Parshall said...

An excellent cabinet is already in place. I don't want people like Pete Buttigieg and Tony Blinken replaced. Anyone who is willing to serve another four years should be kept on.

Marcia said...

I'm thankful that she gets to pick. I know I couldn't do it.

Barbara Rogers said...

And by now, CNN has posted that she's chosen Tim Walz, Minnesota governor.

Anvilcloud said...

Among the other distinctions between parties, the depth of quality people is one.

Vicki Lane said...
