Thursday, August 29, 2024

Justice and Righteousness

Let Justice roll down like the waters, and Righteousness like an everflowing stream.
  Amos 5:24

Wouldn't it be nice? 

Or, just as a start, what if everyone just told the truth?

What with AI and all the disinformation rolling around, it can be difficult to sort out the truth. 

Difficult, but not impossible.

There are a number of fact checkers out there:, and

I'm trying to resist jumping on memes that agree with my political views--the JD Vance couch thing is funny but completely disproven--so I'm attempting due diligence.

Imagine a world where lying wans physically impossible. Speak a lie (that you know to be a lie) and you turn blue---or your pants catch on fire--or your nose grows to ridiculous lengths.

If only we could put this in place for the upcoming debate.



Barbara Rogers said...

Oh yes, wouldn't it be such a great world where nobody could even think of lying...well, maybe think that they could exaggerate, which is what I used to think politicians did all the time...but then truth would be written right across their foreheads!

Anvilcloud said...

Maybe social media like X could help by eliminating Bots. Surely, they could at least make a start. Of course, even the bots get clicks and that is good for revenue, I guess.

JJM said...

Of course, turning blue even from minor lies could make being tactful or kind rather more difficult. I say teaching the fine art of critical thinking and fact-checking from an early age (say, Kindergarten) would be more helpful.