Friday, August 9, 2024

Didn't See That Coming


You may or may not recall an earlier post in which I talked about our bafflement at the construction going on next door to one of our cow pastures. The property had recently changed hands, and a very serious fence was being built. We wondered what in the world kind of critters it was intended to hold.

Well, now we know.


The new owner (whom I've not met in person, but we've exchanged some cordial texts) is starting a camel dairy.

Yep. Apparently camel milk is a hot commodity with all sorts of health benefits. 

Can't you just hear Miss Birdie saying, Ay law! 

I'm told there are also emus.

For some good pics of the new neighbors, check out their website HERE.

Ay, law!


jennyfreckles said...

Well, that's exciting! Fun for Josie to see.

JJM said...

My first thought was of Josie, too ... Camels! Oh my! Does she know yet?

Anvilcloud said...

I am kinda gobsmacked.

Barbara Rogers said...

That's totally awesome! (Sounds very hippy of me) I would be looking through those wonderful wheel spokes in the fence all the time to see them! There is a llama farm near me...don't know if they still have llamas though.

Vicki Lane said...

She's seen them once--they aren't always in the corral--there is a barn for them.

Kim said...

Camel dairy👍🏽 Interesting 💯

Sandra Parshall said...

I hope they'll let Josie come over for a visit to see them up close. Take pictures!