Monday, August 19, 2024


This pretty thing is a Promethea Silk Moth (I think.) I found it on our hearth hidden behind some of Josie's books, and carried it outside, pausing to grab my camera.

How and when it got in, I do not know. The caterpillars are said to feed on apple trees, and we do have an apple tree just behind the house. It looked unharmed and I watched it flutter off. I hope it finds a mate.

For moths, like the worldview of a certain VP candidate, reproduction is everything.



Anonymous said...

Some moths are as beautiful as butterflies.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a strange little guy, to have begun life inside somehow. Glad he knew to be in a house where he'd be transported to sunshine!

Anvilcloud said...

You made me think bad things in conjunction with that wonderful critter.