Thursday, August 22, 2024

One of the New Neighbors

What a sweet face! Still makes me say Aye, law! though.



Sandra Parshall said...
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Sandra Parshall said...

They're not noisy or destructive, and appear content and well cared for. Enjoy them!

Barbara Rogers said...

A very interesting new neighbor you have! North Carolina mountains may never have had camels before...but I wouldn't be the one to ask.

Anvilcloud said...

Just a typical Appalachian view. 😊

Marcia said...

What is that camel doing there?

Vagabonde said...

I love camels ! When I was little my aunt from Egypt gave me a toy one, it was my favorite toy. I rode them in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. I saw baby camels in Dubai, they were the cutest. Someone has a camel in North Georgia that they bring to fairs. One of my trainees at work, a Dubai Air Force pilot, took me to his camel racing farm there in the desert - they were so beautiful. Friends and family have given me many camel status, pictures, etc., filling several shelves. I’ll do a post on them sometimes. That’s in addition to an album full of vintage camel postcards.

Janet Morrison said...

Will definitely take some getting used to!