Friday, August 23, 2024

I Saw America Last Night . . .




 I saw America last night . . . 

A rainbow of people . . .

Ordinary, extraordinary people . . .

United in purpose, in joy, in love.

As it should be . . .

As it could be . . .

And, if we do the work,

As it will be.


Marcia said...

Me too! It was such a wonderful view of what the USA can be. That room was full of energy, love and joy!

Sandra Parshall said...

I loved every second of it.

Barbara Rogers said...

If only that enthusiasm could extend to the very same people accomplishing the goals that have been set. The halls of Congress and the West Wing will be full of the same joy!

Anvilcloud said...

Hurrah. Well done -- them and thou (for the poem).

Barbara Anne said...

From your lips (or keyboard!) to God's ear! Heaven help us and let there be peace thereafter.

Vagabonde said...

It was electrifying! Made you feel like singing and dancing. Now I am afraid of all the dirty tricks that will come from the Right. I'm sure that even if they don't get the vote they'll go to court saying that the votes were stolen to delay everything. I am very scared of what the Right has been doing in Georgia. I'm planning to do my monthly drive during the vote so I can vote there (still my first residence) but am afraid that there are too many MAGAs.

Anonymous said...

I love it! We watched every evening, I cried many times. Many wonderful speeches from real and wonderful people. I feel I must "Do something." Not sure what as I'm old and in a blue state.