Thursday, August 15, 2024

Memorable Moments



Lying awake one night, I found myself remembering certain moments--all involving food and/or drink. Vivid memories, as I've always been probably overly fond of food and drink.

 There was the tall glass of a perfect vodka and tonic, the rim rubbed with lime and a generous slice of lime within. Back in the early Seventies, our friends Bob and Eleanor had invited us to dinner. We'd spent a hot summer day working on the house we were building on a lake outside Tampa. We showered and drove in to Tampa and our friends' place. The house was air conditioned; the meal was undoubtedly excellent as Eleanor was and is a fantastic cook; but it's that vodka and tonic that lingers in my memory. Respite!

 Another hot day memory-- late Fifties. Bahamas with my friend Lynn and her family. and the amazing jolt of an iced coca cola after hours of snorkeling--and I didn't even much like cola drinks.

July 1972--just home from the hospital with a new baby and recovering from a C-section. My mother-in-law appeared with a cold bowl of sliced mangoes. Absolute heaven! Bless you, Frances!

And then there's the cup of coffee that John brings me every morning and most evenings--the elixir of magic beans, made even more potent because someone else fixed it. 

Sometimes it's the simplest things that mean the most. Do you have any similar memories?


Anvilcloud said...

I remember two pizzas. One Sunday evening after church many of us went out for pizza to a restaurant that I'd never been to before or after. It seemed exceptionally good. On our first anniversary (I think) Sue and I had takeout pizza. It has since become our normal practice, but that one seemed most excellent. We had another from the same place some time afterward, but it wasn't nearly as good for some reason. And that brings another memory of taking home fish and chips on a Friday evening. Sue was working and I was in my last year at uni. Our first and chips cost 50 cents each. Now it's closer to $15.

jennyfreckles said...

Interesting question... I'll have to think about it. I do recall my grandmother used to make a fantastic 'Queen of Puddings' - soft meringue, milk soaked breadcrumbs, jam and eggs. Yummy.