Monday, February 28, 2022

Stand with Ukraine

Once again, the unimaginable. An insecure little dictator moves on a neighboring country, seeking to annex it by violence. Here in the USA, our former president calls the dictator 'smart." And right-wing apologists question why we should care about Ukraine, even as they deride our current, lawfully elected president for being weak.

What do they want--WWIII? Thank god the former guy is nowhere near the nuclear button. 

The former guy is, though, threatening to run again. 

I can't help thinking this would suit Putin very well. With his lapdog back in the Oval Office, he would be free to do as he pleased while his biggest fan cheered him on, without the economic and other diplomatic sanctions that are swiftly being put in place. 

Stand with Ukraine. 


Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I stand with the Ukrainians, too. It's so heartbreaking. And sickening. Putin wants to be Hitler.

Anvilcloud said...

And that Bobert woman is talking about liberating Canada.

MsLiz said...

We had no wars when we had “the former guy”.

Sandra Parshall said...

trump worships dictators. He probably would have sent U.S. troops to help Russia destroy Ukraine. He has his own grievance against Ukraine because its officials wouldn't lie for him and help him smear Biden.

Suezeque402 said...

Thank you so very much for your stand on this horrific war. We need to be very aware that trump and putin want nothing but war and strife and will go to all lengths for that to happen. Mid term elections MATTER!!