Friday, February 25, 2022



 Almost a year ago I had a brief spell of vertigo (apparently very common in older women and not something that a pill can fix) and began doing head-circling exercises every morning to help rebalance my inner ear. Over time, I gradually grew less diligent about the head-circling till I quit altogether. 

But a few days ago, when I tried to leap out of bed to go let Jenny out before she committed an outrage, the vertigo was back. I had to hold on to furniture and walls to make it to the back door and release the hound. 

It's been several days now and yesterday I was back to what passes for normal--my wonky knee and ankle make me a bit unsteady at the best of times but at least I'm not staggering around like the proverbial drunken sailor.

I've never been in an earthquake but I'm guessing the feeling is similar--a sudden wrongness and the feeling that the earth is moving beneath you.

So, back to the head circling. And even more reason to keep my trusty walking staff at hand. 




Anvilcloud said...

I don’t get dizzy, but with a bad foot, I do sometimes stumble a bit. I am also on neuropathy pills, so I am a tiny bit more wobbly sometimes when I get up during the night. Oh, and I have orthostatic hypotension, which means I can get quit a head rush if I stand up suddenly like one would when gardening.

Anonymous said...

I’m also an older woman, and I also had an attack of vertigo not long ago. My pharmacist recommended anti-nausea medication -something that you might use for seasickness - which helped tremendously. I also wore my sea bands. I’m sorry this is happening to you. I know it’s most unpleasant

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks for the tip. I've been vertigo-free for a few days now--but I'll keep your suggestion in mind.

Sandra Parshall said...

You know the danger of falls at your age, so I won't repeat them. Be careful and don't let Jenny trip you up.

Barbara Rogers said...

Not much fun. GLad you have your exercise. I have days when I walk gingerly holding on to objects...whenever my feet are swollen I think. Not exactly dizzy, but sure not stable. I had to look up sea bands...something about acupuncture from the wrist. Cool sounding. I wonder if my friend who's having neck pain might benefit from head rolls. They might be hard for her to do however.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Hi, Vicki, I would like to know more about the head circling exercise. I can guess at it, but I'd really like to know what you do. I've been having Vertigo for about 2 & 1/2 weeks. It hits me when I get up in the morning and when I lie back on the pillow at night, and sometimes during the day if I look up too long (as in searching for a book on a high shelf), or look down too long. I've been taking pills for two weeks, and they help, but they don't make it fade away. I'd like to try those exercises if you have time to message me on Facebook or even leave the info in a comment on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I had vertigo recently and the doc said it's from not drinking enough water. So I started drinking more water and the vertigo went away in a day or less.
Let me know if this works for you.

Deana Blanchard.

Cella said...

I had dizziness several years ago and a friend recommended the Epley maneuver. It actually worked.There are videos on YouTube that are easy to follow.