Tuesday, June 15, 2021

In Progress

I've had this picture of Josie at the river as the wallpaper on my laptop for months now.  Finally, I decided to brave up and try to paint it.

It's not done--Josie needs a face but it's so tiny I've already messed it up a bit. Also, I forgot to leave some areas of white in the river.  I'll probably fiddle with it a bit more and then try again, maybe on a larger piece of paper. 

Always something to learn...



Anvilcloud said...

It looks like you're onto something here.

Sandra Parshall said...

Oh,,definitely redo on a larger paper or canvas. The image has so many elements you can learn from -- the water, the many shades of lighting, etc. It's such a rich image. And the photo itself enlarged and printed and framed would be lovely.

Barbara Rogers said...

wonderful study...and each time you'll choose to do it a bit differently! Keep practicing. It's like some philosopher said, everything is just a rehearsal, and there won't ever be a final performance, just more rehearsing!

Thérèse said...

Well done Vicki! You could also cheat a tiny tiny bit with a little bit of white gouache in the water or scratch the paper with a razor... or use drawing gum (our teacher forbids it though) ahead of time.

Judith said...

A beautiful photo for painting. I'd definitely work larger. I've never been good at working on tiny things--I'm the kid who got in trouble in elementary school for drawing so big I drew off the paper.

Also, a question--why does every one paint tree trunks brown? Most look gray to me. Is it just me?

Vicki Lane said...

Therese--I've tried the white gouache--not really satisfactory. I just need to try again ad plan ahead.

Judy--these tree trunks ore brownish grey and bluish brown.

I'm definitely going to try again in a larger format. A challenge! And, as Barb says, another rehearsal.