Sunday, July 19, 2020

Making a Garden

After no garden last year, I am getting a great deal of pleasure from this year's effort

Yes, the blight will eventually come for the tomatoes, the cows may get out and trample the corn, the deer may rediscover us . . .

But for one brief shining moment, things are looking good.


Barbara Rogers said...

Wonderful to see your efforts pay off. Enjoy the bounty of the earth.

Anvilcloud said...

When you are forced to do without, you tend to appreciate things more.

Vagabonde said...

Your veggies look very good. I wish I had a garden here in Nashville but with going back and forth to Georgia it would die while I am away. As it is the last time I was in Atlanta and buying a plant for a friend I just had to buy pots of basil, rosemary and a lavender. Silly I know because I had to carry them in my car to TN and will have to travel back to GA with them so they’ll stay healthy. Plus the heat is oppressive now – 94 F in the shade with high humidity – not a time to have a refreshing time in a garden. I did buy kohlrabi at Sprouts – have you ever cooked them? I made up a recipe and it was good (but weird.)

katy gilmore said...

Oh gardening - you are right - one brief and shining moment! But what joy!