Thursday, July 16, 2020

A Domain of One's Own

When I'm not spending the day with Josie or working in the garden, I'm busily generating content for the new/updated website. My web guy has created a prototype look for the home page that suits the starkness of the Crows cover as well as providing a fresh new look. So I'me reworking old stuff, writing new stuff, finding photos in my files that complement the new pages, and generally trying to make the new site a nice place to visit.

I've done the HOME page, which, of course, is all about And the Crows Took Their Eyes. I've done the ABOUT VICKI page and a page titled HISTORY--the history behind the story in Crows and where I departed from known facts for flights of fancy. Also some of the books and resources that helped me.

There'll be a page for GOODWEATHER NOVELS with a reflection on the changes in the county I write about, as well as a brief synopsis of each novel. 

Now I'm doing a page called ON WRITING. (Thanks, Sandy P., for the suggestion!) I'll be using some of the content I share in my classes and workshops--a writer's toolkit, the basics of writing a novel, writing dialect, writing historical pieces.  None of this is the last word on anything, rather these are questions I've been asked and the responses I've cobbled together.

I think there'll be an ARCHIVE which will lead to the LORE and the RECIPES  and the FAQ currently on the old website. That may be overkill but then no one has to pursue any of it.

I remember when I was first introduced to Laurie R. King's novels. I was so impressed with her writing and her mind that I went to her website and spent hours, maybe days, reading every scrap of information there. A wide and spacious domain, indeed.

It'll be a while before my own domain is ready for viewing but rest assured, I'll be inviting you in.


Sandra Parshall said...

Building a new website is an incredible amount of work, but your readers will appreciate all of it. I look forward to seeing it!

Glenda Beall said...

Your fans will all appreciate your hard work, Vicki. I look forward to the new website.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Look forward to seeing your new webpage. I really like our shadow photo! Have a grand day!