Friday, September 27, 2024


As of 5 pm yesterday, we'd had over five inches of rain but no real problems. More rain is headed our way, and the French Broad River is rising. There is flooding in Asheville.

Folks in Marshall and Hot Springs who are near the river have to told to evacuate. It's quite possible that this event will be as bad or worse than the Great Flood of 1916. 

I had Josie all morning so her folks could go to work but around noon Claui had a call from a friend who had to evacuate and was looking for a place to go. Josie was thrilled as this was one of her best friend's mom and a mega-sleepover was about to happen.

We're safe from floods here at Wool Branch--unless it's one of biblical proportions. There's always the worry of falling trees or mudslides and the ever possibility of a power outage. But, so far, so good. 

I have a big pot of chili simmering on the stove--a kind of primordial response to drastic weather. What's more, I just bought a huge package of toilet tissue yesterday, possibly another primordial thing. And we have wine. And dog and cat food.

May all stay safe!





Anvilcloud said...

So far, so good. 🫰

Marcia said...

Stay safe.

Sandra Parshall said...

I'm so glad you posted. I've been thinking of you and yours. Have fun with the unexpected company! 😄