Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Debate Night

Well, the Former Guy didn't seem to be enjoying himself very much. You could see his cheeks flush as he got worked up. I have no idea how his true believers interpreted his statements--he even got in the debunked claim of Haitian immigrants stealing and eating pets (which one of the moderators called him on.) I thought he was pretty close to raving, that is when he wasn't sounding like a kindergartener (She did it.)

In my opinion, Kamala offered a wonderful contrast to that angry, lowering, hateful man. She offered plans; he hurled baseless accusations and scare tactics. Her demeanor was collected and amused; he was unhinged--but actually didn't froth at the mouth so that's a point for him.

How in the world can thinking people, moral people vote for that angry orange dumpster fire? How can they believe his lies, his fear-mongering, his self-praise? 

It's baffling--and scary.



Anvilcloud said...

It is a puzzle. Perhaps critical thing needs to be taught better.

Vicki Lane said...

Indeed--though the GOP would ban it.

Marcia said...

Harris out did herself. She was breath taking in her calmness, articulation of her plans, and her description of tRump of someone who should not be in the Oval Office. tRump showed that she was right on.
I woke up thinking of a cartoon so I sat down and drew it as best I could. Just now posted it. Take a look.

Sandra Parshall said...

Late last night, with Jerry pleading, "Get some sleep!", I read posts on trump's Facebook page. Believe me, his worshippers are well aware the debate was a train wreck for him. They had been saying for a week that they looked forward to watching him demolish Harris. Instead -- well, you saw it. One woman moaned, "I'm speechless! He was so unprepared. He needed this to go well, but he didn't even prepare. It was awful. I feel sick to my stomach."

Anonymous said...

He looked deeply uncomfortable. Intellectually he is no match for Harris.

Barbara Rogers said...

And yet this morning people still believed their jobs were threatened by immigrants. There is a fundamental connection of fear mongering...such that those many dramatic evangelical preachers bring many into their flocks out of fear of eternal damnation. This is the clue behind tRump's power, I think.

jennyfreckles said...

What seems scariest (and hardest to understand) for me, albeit from a continent away, is how anyone could contemplate voting for that man, whose many faults are plain to see. He appeared like a petulant child against Ms Harris, and his grasp of real life seems less than that! So how come about half of US citizens ( if the polls are true) will still vote for him?

Vicki Lane said...

And that, Jennyfreckles, is the most depressing thing of all--that so many of my fellow citizens actually admire that man. It doesn't speak well for the intelligence of our electorate.

Vicki Lane said...

Good one!