Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Mixed Bag

Old mule-drawn hay rakes and a mowing machine--out to pasture. Many years ago, John and our mules Pete and Molly actually used these.

Turkey teenagers on the run

                                                Joe Pye Weed

Resting dog

                                               Confused crabapple blooming



Sandra Parshall said...

I've had a number of cats, including Charlotte, who love to sleep on the backs of sofas, but I never before knew of a dog who does it. Jenny looks very comfortable! 💕

Anvilcloud said...

Turkeys are in training already.

carol weston said...

Good photos! We didn't see any wild turkeys this year and relatively few deer. Hope it was a anomaly.

Marcia said...

I've seen those farm equipment sitting on lawns as garden art. Too big for my half acre parcel here.

Barbara Rogers said...

Where does old farm machinery go to die, anyway? There doesn't seem to be much use for it, besides harboring vines. Love the Jenny stretch, and teen turkeys!