Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Josie Does a Blog Post



This is me. I took the pictures and Meema is writing the words I let her say. And this is a selfie I did.

I got some new shoes with cupcakes on them. And I have pink socks. Pink is my favorite!

The babies are snuggling with Bailey.



Anvilcloud said...

We have a content creator. 👍

Sandra Parshall said...

Love it. 💕 Hey, Josie! I love you!

Barbara Rogers said...

Pink also makes me happy. Your shoes are super, though I never would have thought of saying cupcakes...which is just right!

Vicki Lane said...

I told our content creator that her ending was a bit abrupt, and she said 'That's all I've got to say'--probably a good tip for some of us bloggers/writers.