Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Mixed Emotions

So happy for the blessed, much-needed rain! 

But I am beyond angry at the latest outrage from the GOP--well, there are so many and they keep coming--I'll focus on the candidates' completely discredited statements and/or refusal to disavow the lies about Haitians (legal immigrants) in Springfield, Ohio.

Bomb threats, school shutdowns, widespread fear among the community because JD Vance doesn't mind lying in service of his scare-tactics message. And the Orange One plays dumb. (Okay, not a stretch.)

This is the tactic the Nazis used against the Jews. Dehumanize a set of people. Make them into a common enemy. To hell with the consequences as long as it gets you elected.

The GOP is telling you loud and clear who they are. 

An Ohio sheriff has suggested people keep a list of those families with Harris/Walz signs in their yards. If that's not chilling intimidation, I don't know what is.

And with the ongoing wholesale partisan purging of the voting rolls--you'd be wise to check that you're still registered, especially if you've moved or haven't voted recently.

The stakes are unbelievably high in this election. I can only hope that our better angels prevail. 



jennyfreckles said...

It's hard to believe all this is going on and no-one seems able to stop it. Very scary.

Marcia said...

You are so right. I read an article about some young undecided voters in the NYTimes. Most of them seem unbothered by these tactics and some are still leaning in to voting for tRump. Wake up, undecideds!

Sandra Parshall said...

The republican governor of Ohio is asking trump and Vance to "stop the lies." And some republicans in state government have called on Vance to resign his Senate seat. And still they persist.

Anvilcloud said...

How did they get so awful and so proud of their awfulness and so popular in their awfulness?