Thursday, September 12, 2024




I spent a lot of time yesterday, reading various accounts of the debate.  Much was predictable--the Former Guy saying he had a Great Night--his Best Debate Ever--and various Maghats wringing their hands and calling the moderators biased. And suggesting that Harris's earrings were actually transmitters, sending information.

I think it was an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal that said Harris overdid it with the personal attacks and sarcasm. 

What? When personal attacks are the Former Guy's go-to strategy and sarcasm is his explanation for being caught in a lie or inconvenient truth.

I got the impression that the writer of the opinion piece felt Harris was being unladylike--and just barely managed not to say so.

Hurrah for her! 

Back in 2016, I watched Hillary ignore a looming adversary in a debate. She was a model of calm ladylike behavior and full of well-reasoned statements. I hated it when she lost the election by the slimmest of margins.

Kamala, on the other hand, took control, beginning with the handshake and went on to catalog his many failings and bait him into evermore unhinged responses. 

And oh! her facial expressions! They spoke for her. (Great article HERE about this.)

 She ate his lunch. 

And how I enjoyed it.


Jean Baardsen said...

In only it were enough. I'm still worried. But I, too, did enjoy the debate. What does it say about our country that maybe half of them would vote for him? Scary.

Anvilcloud said...

The Wall Street Journal is quite conservative from what I understand. It's odd with how much latitude one candidate gets and how narrow a line the other must tread.

Sandra Parshall said...

She was magnificent! Calm, focused, and PRESIDENTIAL.

Barbara Rogers said...

In a few months, the MAGA idiots will still be ranting that Kamala stole the election. It will have been fair and legal of course, but that's the way they think. They already are planning that. I see the firm assertiveness that President Kamala will show in for once and for all throwing them all in the garbage. Oops, that isn't a legal term is it. But we must be prepared to do that!

Vicki Lane said...

Alas, the bar is always higher for a woman, especially for one of color. The leapt that bar with ease and grace.